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New version of software is available for download!


To attention of potential buyers!

Good afternoon, distinguished guests.
We draw your attention that from 11/07/2019 to 23/07/2019 the purchase and dispatch of adapters will be unavailable, in connection with our summer holidays.
From 24/07/2019, the order and purchase of adapters will occur in normal mode.

Sincerely, UCDS Project Administration.

New version of software is available for download!

Attention! Notification about supported versions of UCDS !


Dear users of UCDS project!

We put you on notice that since 20 February 2017, the old version of UCDS software, earlier than 2.001.008, are no longer supported! This means that we can not provide you with assistance in case of any problems, as well as for you to generate various types of tokens and the full license!

For support, you will need to update the software UCDS software to the latest version!

Thank you!


Warning! Fake Devices UCDS

Внимание! В интернет магазинах появились поддельные устройства UCDS, с названием UCDS Pro+ .
C подобными устройствами программа UCDS не работает! Также не имеют никакой официальной поддержки.
Будьте внимательны! С уважением команда UCDS.

Attention! In Internet shops there were fake UCDS device called UCDS Pro +.
Such devices do not have the official support UCDS, with them it is impossible to get the latest official update. Be careful! Regards UCDS team!