Price increase notice
Unfortunately, we inform you that from January 13, 2025, the base price of the adapter will be increased. The increase will only affect the adapter itself.
The cost of licenses will remain unchanged.
From January 13, the base price of the adapter will be 17,000 rubles.
Happy New Year!
Dear friends!
Happy New Year 2025!
We wish you happiness, success in business and health!
May the new year bring you only positive emotions!
P.S. All sales will be suspended on New Year holidays which ends on 13th January 2025
Conditions for the transition of V4 adapters to the new UCDS 3.X.XXX.XXX software
Dear friends!
Soon the new software version 3.X.XXX.XXX will be available for work with adapters revision V4 (adapters V2 and V3 are not supported).
We would like to inform you that the current tokens of level 1, as well as the “extended license” of adapters will be converted into the following licenses for the new software:
“Extended license” – 18 months of work with the EXT license
“First level tokens” – according to the formula 1 token 1 lvl = 1 month of the ODO license
For example:
If the V4 adapter has an extended license and 3 tokens of level 1, they will be converted into 18 months of the EXT license and 3 months of the ODO license
This action (conversion and transition to the new software) will be irreversible.
We suggest that you think in advance and make a decision about switching to the new software, or refusing and staying with the current software for adapters V2\V3\V4 version
Moving to new servers. Possible problems…
Good afternoon dear friends.
We would like to inform you that our current hosting provider has unilaterally and categorically decided to stop providing us with its services. Based on this decision, we were forced to move all of our servers to the territory of the Russian Federation. In this regard, we warn all our users that you may now have problems accessing our resources, such as the main site, forum, wiki, etc. There may also be problems with accessing licensing servers and gaining access to use the software.
If such problems arise, we recommend that you use VPN services in your current location to bypass blocking of your Internet providers.
These problems will potentially affect users in Ukraine, Europe and potentially the USA.
For users of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and Asia, no problems will arise.
Best regards, UCDS team.
Termination of direct international sales.
Unfortunately, due to the ongoing difficult situation in the world, we are forced to inform you that from now on we will stop direct international sales of our adapters. However, we inform you that despite this you can purchase our adapter from our partners. The list of partners and direct links to sites are presented on our website in the section “Our partners”
The long-awaited release of software version 3 and the start of sales of the V5 adapter
Good day, dear friends!
Today, after more than a year’s pause, we are resuming sales of our adapters, as well as announcing the release of a new software version.
Starting now, we accept and service orders for the purchase of adapters.
Direct sales due to the situation in the world, as well as in our country, will be available only on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the CIS countries, where parcels are sent by Russian Post.
If you are from another country, please check the possibility of shipping to your country with given list
The ability to ship the adapter to other countries is constantly changing. This issue is specified when ordering an adapter.
You can find out all the necessary information about prices and create an application for the purchase of an adapter on our website in the section How to buy
The software can be downloaded from the links in this thread on our forum.
P.S. Due to the fact that the project has moved to a new platform, there may be flaws, as well as some software functions may not work properly. Please report any issues you find on our bug tracker.
Thank you
About changes in the UCDS project, the release of a new version of the adapter and pricing policy.
Good day dear friends!
It’s been over a year since we suspended the sale of UCDS V4 adapters.
Of course, this was influenced by many external factors, but we continued to work and now almost everything is ready for the start of sales of the UCDS V5 adapter.
Simultaneously with the release of the new adapter, the commercial component in the project will change. Please read in advance the information provided in the form – “question – answer” below.
What changes are expected in general terms?
Starting with SW 3.XXX.XXX, the project will no longer have “tokens” required to perform various commercial operations.
Level 1 tokens will be replaced by ODO License
Level 2 tokens will be excluded from the project. Starting with SW 3.XXX.XXX, the ability to program Converse+ panels with firmware from Motral will no longer be available. Joint work with Motral starting from SW 3.XXX.XXX will be terminated.
Level 3,4,5 tokens will be excluded from the project. Starting from this version, there will be NO “tuning” versions in the project of ready-made firmware from the developers. From now on, tuning firmware will be purchased directly from the creators for a SPECIFIC adapter. This means that the file received from the developer can be used ONLY by the owner of the adapter and with the help of the adapter for which the file is produced.
Starting with SW 3.XXX.XXX, the following types of licenses will appear in the project:
ODO License – a license to perform the functions of resetting mileage, as well as all the functionality for which level 1 tokens were previously written off.
EXT License – the principle is similar to the previously extended license (Extended license)
PATS License – a license that provides access to PATS functions (working with Ford car keys)
All licenses will be limited in time: 1 month \ 6 months \ 1 year (except for the PATS license, which will be able to activate for a shorter time)
This means that the functionality that is included in each specific license can be used an unlimited number of times during this time.
What adapters will be supported?
From SW 3.XXX.XXX ONLY V4 and V5 adapters will be supported. Old adapters V1\V2\V3 will not be able to work with the new software.
What are the restrictions on the use and transition to a new version of the software?
For new V5 adapters – the use of new software – no alternative.
For V4 adapters – the transition to the new software will be associated with a fundamental change in the firmware of the V4 adapter, which will entail the IMPOSSIBILITY to return to the old software. You will have to make a decision whether to stay on the old software and the old commercial system or switch to the new one.
What will happen to support for older adapters and older SW 2.XXX.XXX?
Support for all previously released adapters will continue. SW 2.XXX.XXX will also be supported, but it will not receive major innovations and functionality enhancements. Only technical fixes. Generation of tokens for various commercial operations will also be available.
What will happen to the active tokens and license when the V4 adapter is upgraded to the new SW 3.XXX.XXX?
When switching to new software, tokens and a license will be converted according to the following principle:
1 level 1 token = 2 months of active ODO License
Active Extended License = 1 year EXT License
What are the significant differences between V4 and V5 adapters?
The main differences include support by the V5 CAN FD adapter independently with three buses, hardware support for LIN, K\L-Line.
The V5 adapter has the ability to work via WIFI in two modes:
AP – adapter raises WIFI hotspot (PC connects to adapter)
STA – the adapter connects to the WIFI network specified by the settings (The adapter connects to the specified network)
It is also possible to activate WIFI Direct AP on computers with an operating system not lower than Windows 10. In this mode, a WIFI Direct access point is raised on the PC, which makes it possible to use WIFI connections to the adapter in conjunction with a WIFI connection of a PC to an access point that provides access to the Internet .
The V5 adapter can also work with Bosch ECU modules in the so-called “Bench mode” without the use of additional devices. Work tested with the PCMFLASH software package
How much will a new V5 adapter cost?
Your price for adapter will be CONVERTED from RUB to USDT(crypto currency).
Adapter without any licenses – 14500RUB
Adapter with ODO and EXT licenses for 6 months each – 19000RUB
Adapter with ODO and EXT licenses for 1 year each – 20500RUB
For example:
Adapter without any licenses cost 14500RUB. This price will be CONVERTED to USDT by currency exchange ration on day of order.
So, current exchange rate USDT\RUB = 1\80. It’s mean that you price will be 14500\80 = 181USDT (+fee for money transfer)
Also delivery price will be added.
Separate licenses:
ODO License for 1 month / 6 months / 1 year – 15USDT / 40USDT / 60USDT
EXT License for 1 month / 6 months / 1 year – ——- / 60USDT / 90USDT
PATS License for 1 week / 1 month / 6 months / 1 year – TEMPORARY UNDER REVISING
When will the V5 adapter be available?
We expect the start of sales within 2-3 weeks. Information about the start of sales will be posted on our website.
Will there be sales to other countries?
Unfortunately, due to the current situation in the world, sales will be carried out within the territory of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, as well as the countries of the former CIS, China, and the countries of the Middle East.
Direct sales to Ukraine, USA will be temporarily unavailable. Sales to EU zone by request. Not all countries accept parcels from RU. Delivery time about 1 month and probably more!
Sales to the specified regions will be available only through intermediaries.
Direct money transfers only via USDT crypto currency. If you don’t know what’s this, please read about it first on Internet, or ask friends about it!
Any methods like direct bank transfer, Paypal, Payoneer, Revolute, Scrill and all other are not accepted!
Impossibility of purchases in our project!
Dear users.
Due to the difficult situation in the world, as well as due to the serious sanctions that have been imposed on our country, we are forced to inform you that from 03/05/2022, the purchase of tokens of all levels and an extended license for adapters has become impossible for all customers located outside Russian Federation.
Unfortunately, all possible international payment methods, such as PayPal and WesterUnion, are no longer available in our country.
Unfortunately, we cannot influence this situation. We are taking all possible steps to get out of this situation.
We ask you not to use the commercial functions of our project. Replenishment of tokens is not possible yet for an indefinite period.
Sincerely, UCDS team.
Attention! Adapter sales have been suspended.
Good day to all.
Unfortunately, we have to inform you that the sales of adapters have been suspended.
There is no timeline for the resumption of sales. Unfortunately, the situation on the market of electronic components has not bypassed us.
V4 adapters will be discontinued.
We are preparing for the start of sales and the launch of V5 adapters.
There are no dates or prices yet due to serious problems with the supply of electronic components.
Follow the news.